Jela Maresić, Bojana Schubert
The Paper analyzes the Kajkavian dialect in Fran Galović’s literary works: the unfinished
Kajkavian collection of poems Z mojih bregov (1914), the unfinished novel Rastanak (1914), and
the unfinished play Sodoma (1911). In these works the author uses, in various ways, the urban
Zagrebian Kajkavian dialect and the local Kajkavian dialect of Peteranec. The paper also includes
an overview of the general literary tendencies of the literary movement in which Galović took
part and which is called ‘Moderna’. The authors also deal with some of the most important
editions of Galović’s works, and they base their linguistic analysis on the manuscripts that are
kept in the National and University library in Zagreb.
Key words
Fran Galović; urban Zagrebian Kajkavian dialect; local Kajkavian dialect of Peteranec