Daniela Matić
This paper analyzes examples of ICT terminology sampled from Croatian university textbooks
and educational materials published from the year 2001 to 2015 and recommended for
undergraduate and graduate students at Croatian universities. The collection includes: Croatian
calques; standalone neologisms and those followed by an English equivalent; translated English
metaphorical expressions; hybrids without translations; orthographically, phonologically/
phonetically and morphologically adapted Anglicisms and those which can be integrated into the
Croatian standard without any adaptation; and multi-word Croatian equivalents with singleword
English and with multi-word English equivalents. Some of the English expressions were
italicized or bolded and some not. The aim of our analysis was to describe current practices in
writing educational materials, to establish the nature of the university materials authors’ relation
towards English and Croatian expressions, and to find out if there was some pattern in the use of
Croatian and English ICT terms which the authors had followed. During the analysis, we observed
a lack of consistent and systematic approach to the creation of materials, a shift from the norms
of the standard Croatian language and resorting to non-adapted or slightly adapted English terms
which seem to be often favored over the Croatian ones. We are of the opinion that corpus
planning and better management of terminology, adaptation and integration processes within a
more modern language policy framework could bring much needed stability to the Croatian
scientific and pedagogical register.
Key words
English element; scientific and pedagogical register; ICT terminology;
university educational materials