Tatjana Pišković
Agreement patterns imply that there is a stable relationship between the grammatical
morphemes on the controllers (i.e. on the words marked for gender that determine or trigger the
agreement) and on their targets (i.e. on the words for which gender is an inflectional category the
form of which is determined by the agreement). The choice of the agreement pattern in the
Croatian language is mainly influenced by the grammatical categories of the controllers (gender,
number and person), but sometimes also by other factors (word order, semantic animacy) which
are not reflected in the words as directly as categories and which are usually referred to as
agreement conditions. Their influence is especially important in the non-canonical domains
where a choice between two agreement patterns exists. Word-order as an agreement condition in
the Croatian language is usually related to the issue of whether the controller precedes the target
(Bijes i ljutnja obuzeli su ga čim je čuo lošu vijest) or the target precedes the controller (Čim je čuo lošu
vijest, obuzeli su ga bijes i ljutnja/Čim je čuo lošu vijest, obuzeo ga je bijes i ljutnja) and whether this
change causes a vacillation between the two agreement patterns. This paper will adduce the most
frequent cases in which word-order has an effect on the choice of agreement patterns with special
regard to the interaction of word-order and another important agreement condition in the
Croatian language – the semantic animacy. The idea of whether the controller designates
something animate or something inanimate often influences the choice of the target in domains
where there is a choice between the syntactic and the semantic agreement pattern. The impact of
these two agreement conditions can be summed up in the assertion that the choice of the
semantic agreement pattern is facilitated by the controllers which refer to something animate
and precede their target. All the findings will be supported by the results of a survey questionnaire
with which we sought to examine the assumption that the communicative status of the semantic
and the syntactic agreement is somewhat different from their descriptions in grammar books.
Key words: agreement; agreement patterns; word order; animacy; Agreement Hierarchy
Key words
agreement; agreement patterns; word order; animacy; Agreement Hierarchy